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Located on a high mountain pass between Montana and Idaho is a destination of gorgeous meadows, mountain peaks and forested hills. One of the best roads in the country with sweeping curves and excellent road surfaces, this road requires absolute attention. Find the sign that reads “Curves next 99 Miles”.



100% Arabica, single origin. This Colombia bean is naturally decaffeinated using the Swiss Water Process – a technique specially developed to preserve the coffee’s original flavour and aroma.


The Swiss Water Process involves immersing the coffee beans in water at varying temperature and pressure in order to extract 99.9% of the caffeine. No chemicals are used, and a filtering process allows the beans to maintain their characteristic flavour. Once quality-checked, dried and polished, the beans are ready to be roasted; we’ve applied a medium roast for a complex, perfectly balanced brew.

This is one of the best decaf coffees we have found. Sweet, clean and delicious.



To guarantee freshness and quality, we roast-to-order. We care about where our beans come from, their impact on the environment, the people that produce them, and the quality of the coffee that end up in your mug every morning, afternoon, and evening.


Lolo Pass | Colombia | Decaf

PriceFrom $9.00
  • Roast Organic Decaf
    Flavor Profile Smooth, Graham, Nutty
    Country of Origin Colombia
    Region Tolima
    Elevation 1400-1600
    Processing Washed, EA Process Decaf
    Drying Method N/A




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