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This rare coffee offered in whole bean to ensure it's freshness. 


What exactly is Kentucky Bluegrass? Close your eyes and imagine walking barefoot on a beautiful clean carpet of grass, the ideal lawn. We want that same experience with this one-of-a-kind bourbon-infused coffee for your tastebuds.



This bourbon air-infused coffee rests in an aged Kentucky Bourbon barrel for up to 8 weeks. The coffee is roasted in small batches with the natural sugar of the beans and bourbon balancing each other in harmony without the alcohol. We like to squeeze the bag to smell the bourban aroma, but after brewed the coffee is sweet with notes of caramel, oak and butterscotch. 


Due to the nature of infusion, we can only offer this one-of-a-kind bean in small, limited quantities. Our advice, when in-stock, order! Otherwise, you might have to wait for weeks until the beans are properly air-infused and ready to roast.



To guarantee freshness and quality, we roast-to-order. We care about where our beans come from, their impact on the environment, the people that produce them, and the quality of the coffee that end up in your mug every morning, afternoon, and evening.

Kentucky Bluegrass

PriceFrom $26.00
  • Roast Signature House Roast
    Flavor Profile Caramel, Sweet Oak, Butterscotch
    Country of Origin Colombia
    Region Huila Region
    Elevation 1350–1850
    Processing Fully Washed
    Drying Method Dried in the sun

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